How to See Members in the Telegram Private Channel

Telegram is a popular messaging app known for its security, privacy, and user-friendly features. While it offers public channels where anyone can join and view the members, there are also private channels that provide a more exclusive and secure environment. In this article, we will guide you on how to see members in a Telegram private channel.

Step 1: Get Invited to the Private Channel

The first and foremost requirement for accessing a private channel is to get an invitation from the channel admin. Without an invitation, you won’t be able to see or join the private channel. The admin will send you an invite link or add you directly to the channel.


Step 2: Joining the Private Channel

Once you receive the invitation link, you need to open it using the Telegram app on your device. This will lead you to the channel page, where you’ll be prompted to join the channel. Click on the “Join” button to become a member of the private channel.

How to See Members in the Telegram Private Channel

Step 3: Accessing Members List

To see the members of the private channel, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Telegram app on your device and navigate to the home screen.
  2. Tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) located in the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. From the menu, select “Channels” to view your subscribed channels.
  4. Locate the name of the private channel you want to see the members of and tap on it.

Once you’re on the private channel’s page, follow these steps to access the members list:

  1. Scroll down the channel page until you find the “Members” section.
  2. Tap on the “Members” icon to view the list of all the members in the private channel.

Step 4: Browsing and Interacting with Members

Now that you have successfully accessed the members list, you can browse through it and interact with other channel members.

  • Scroll through the list to view each member’s name and profile picture.
  • Tapping on a member’s name will take you to their profile page, where you can view their bio and contact details (if available).
  • You can also send direct messages to members by tapping on the “Message” button on their profile page.
  • To interact with the entire channel, you can use the channel’s chat functionality and participate in discussions.

It’s important to remember that being part of a private channel comes with certain responsibilities. Make sure to adhere to the channel’s rules and guidelines to maintain a positive and respectful environment.

How to See Members in the Telegram Private Channel

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To See Members In The Telegram Private Channel

How Can I View Telegram Channel Members?

To view the members of a Telegram private channel, simply open the channel and tap on the ‘Members’ tab at the top.

Can I See A List Of Users In A Telegram Private Channel?

Yes, by accessing the ‘Members’ tab in the private channel, you can view a list of all the users who are members.

Is It Possible To See The Complete List Of Members In A Private Telegram Channel?

Yes, you can see the complete list of members by scrolling through the ‘Members’ tab in the private channel.

How Do I Find Out Who The Members Are In A Private Telegram Channel?

To identify the members of a private Telegram channel, navigate to the ‘Members’ tab and review the complete list displayed there.


Seeing members in a Telegram private channel is a straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily access the members list and engage with other channel members. Joining a private channel allows you to be part of exclusive communities and converse with like-minded individuals. Enjoy your Telegram private channel experience!

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